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Self-Care Plan for Stressful Times
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When you can't get in to see your massage therapist, you can still manage emotional stress and the muscle aches that can occur when you're having to manage stressful times. I invite you to contact me for a free consultation, to help you design a personalized stress-relieving program tailored to your likes, abilities and lifestyle. Scroll through the gallery below for a few ideas of activities you can add to your stress-relieving self-care routine, then read on to learn about the Aza Method - a mind-and-bodywork technique and a powerful tool for well-being.


The Aza Method of Mind and Bodywork

Aza Ancor

What is the Aza Method? Combining gentle, compassionate, intentional touch with guided, sensory-rich imagery, the Aza Method of Mind and Bodywork is a meditation-bodywork modality that brings you to a state of very deep relaxation, inner calm and well-being. Combined with essential oils, meditative music and a safe, peaceful environment, this gentle, science-based modality will surprise you with the depth of relaxation, rejuvenation, and sense of peace it can achieve.


Like mindfulness meditation, creative visualization is a practice that doesn't require emptying the mind of thoughts, but rather focusing them. Instead of the focus being an object, sensation, sound or other single focal point, we anchor ourselves deep in the realm of active, sensory imagination. 


In addition to sessions guided by your practitioner in my studio location, the Aza Method can be guided via phone or video call (Messenger, Skype, etc), and taught to you so you can establish your own daily practice of meditative visualization and bodywork. With a home program, you can learn self massage techniques, body check-in, and meditative exercises to release muscular tension using the thing that often causes it in the first place - your mind. Everyone has a creative imagination - if you think you don't, you just haven't had the chance to exercise your imagination muscles! Read one client's testimonial here


UPDATE: Due to the continued risk of Covid-19 transmission, I haven't yet returned to studio work. For the Aza Method to be adapted to remote phone or video call sessions, all you need is a quiet, comfortable place where you can be undisturbed for about 60-70 minutes. Right now I'm offering an introductory rate of $40 to anyone who'd like to try out this new method. Contact me for details.

About the Aza Method founder: I have a degree in body-based creative process, plus two decades of experience facilitating groups that combine creative movement improvisation and body awareness. In 2019, after twelve years experience with a thriving massage therapy practice, it was time to bring it all together into a new modality. At its core, the Aza Method is a reflection of my deep compassion for people and desire to make a difference in your life and, by the ripple effect, some small corner of the world.

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